Understand how we got here over these 30 years working in the Corporate Security market.


Universal Sistema de Segurança is founded

Specialized in Security Guards Outsourcing, creates, by client demand, a consulting service to enable background checking.


Universal Cadastro

The outsourcing service is stopped and the background checking area becomes “UNICAD – UNIVERSAL CADASTRO”.

New markets

Being in closer contact to Corporate Security Departments, identifies new niches, in the Safety and Security Area..



Unicad’s Software Development company is created.



UNIXPAT - Expatriate Assistance

With the market in an upwards trend, specially in the Oil and Gas Sector, and many expatriates in Brasil, a Bilingual Contact Center is created to support emergency situations.



Aiming to optimize the Hotline’s workforce, a public security news Clipping is started, based in news published in newspapers, magazines and various news outlets.


Public Security Newsletter

Creation of the Monthly Public Security report, stratifying by neighborhoods, giving rise to micro analyzes.


UNISMS – Mass Communication

Events reported in real time, by e-mail, with the title "High Priority", are now forwarded by SMS.

First great success story – Shooting with hostages at Hotel Intercontinental closes Avenida Niemeyer

An BG (British Gas) executive was leaving the South Zone of Rio towards the West Zone and would make the displacement through Av. Niemeyer at the time of the shootout. Upon receiving the warning alert, through SMS, she decided to take an alternative route.

When she arrived at her destination and realized the severity of the incident, she realized how useful the information was. The case earned a complimenting note and, subsequently, the service was announced at a meeting of the IBP (Brazilian Petroleum Institute).


Rio +20

In partnership with SmartSis, a company that served more than 90% of taxi cooperatives in Rio de Janeiro, the first collaborative alert application for the category was developed. Called TAXI ALERTA GPS, had as main objective the sharing of information between users. It was a FREE resource of undeniable relevance in terms of mobility and prevention.

The initiative made the reception of occurrences in real time possible, which were shared with the Rio Operations Center (COR), recently created by the City Hall.


WYD – World Youth Day

The beginning of WYD was marked by a simultaneous breakdown on lines 1 and 2 of Metrô Rio (Rio's subway system).

Success story

Based on a demand from COR Rio, we sent a single text message with the call of 5,000 taxi drivers to assist in the flow of people at Metro Rio stations, overloaded due to simultaneous failure on lines 1 and 2 of the concessionaire.


Public-private partnerships

After the WYD episode, the Rio de Janeiro City Hall starts to demand the mass communication system (UNISMS) to notify Taxi drivers in advance of the arrival of ships with thousands of tourists in the port area.


Confederation Cup

In the midst of two major events, the phenomenon of demonstrations surprises the country. The newsletter “Demonstration Bulletin" is created, an important subsystem that integrates the Portal until today.

Since the Confederations Cup, real-time alert systems, surveillance cameras, risk areas mapping and vehicular tracking are integrated in a single environment.



FIFA World Cup

Marked by the setting up of Command and Control Centers in hotels, companies and convention centers, offering Monitoring, Analysis and Security Intelligence services for sponsors of the event. UNICAD advised organizations that received 5,000 guests, who stayed in Brazil for more than 30 days.


Cargo Theft Observatory (ORC)

With the continuous increase of Cargo Theft from 2014 onwards, in partnership with entities representing Shippers and Carriers, the GRUPO UNICAD created the Cargo Theft Observatory (ORC), permanent forum for phenomenon monitoring, with the purpose of employing technology in the sharing of data between private entities, taking them in a treated way to public entities, as well as forming a large public x private integration network.


Rio 2016 Olympics

With the experience acquired in the World Cup and all the visibility of the services provided by GRUPO UNICAD, a considerable part of the Rio 2016 sponsors contract the services of UNICAD PORTAL UMAIS.


Creation of the ACBS (Collaborative Monitoring)

The Brazilian Hotel Industry Association (ABIH), community associations, entrepreneurs and other representatives of organized Civil Society, in Barra da Tijuca and Recreio areas, mobilize and create a Monitoring Center fully provided with private resources to treat and contain the wave of violence in the region. The successful initiative expands and, in September of the following years, under the condition of donation, there is a new mobilization to create a monitoring cell within the 31st Military Police Battalion, responsible for policing the region. All cameras made available by ACBS members are now mirrored within the said police unit.
In 2018, the program incorporates the fantasy name RIO ALERTA and is now offered in other Integrated Public Security Areas of the State of Rio de Janeiro.


UMessenger – Corporate Communication Application

Launch of the Corporate Communication APP, also used to receiving and sending real time alerts.


Implementation of Monitoring and Criminal Analysis Center in Battalions of Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro (PMERJ)

From the integration and sharing of private camera images, we realized how important it was to mirror them in the Battalions of the Police of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Taking advantage of the collaborative monitoring project in the Barra da Tijuca and Recreio areas, we offer, through a donation, the implementation of a monitoring cell at the 31st BPM. The idea was very well received by the Unit Commander at the time, and its inauguration took place on September 6, 2017, the year following the inauguration of the Monitoring Center of ACBS - Safe Neighborhood Community Association.


ULOG RISKS – Risk Management

Starting from 2014, cargo theft reaches unsustainable levels, which requires special attention to logistics.

From the risk areas mapping and occurrences involving Cargo Theft, an smart scriptor is developed and automation is assigned to Cargo Transport Monitoring. 


UNICADTEC is reestructured

Applying current systems development concepts, UNICADTEC creates a new workplace and forms a dedicated team, incorporating good practices and revamping the technological infrastructure of GRUPO UNICAD.


RGP HeadHunters

The participation in security forums and all the networking developed in the last 15 years, has brought UNICAD closer to the segment, enabling broad knowledge of professionals and their duties.

Keeping the renowned professional Ronaldo Glória Proença as a focal point, in partnership with Psychologist Ana Claudia Fernandes, specialized in Human Resources with over 20 years of experience in Recruitment and Selection, RGP HEADHUNTERS is created, bringing all theirs know-how to GRUPO UNICAD. RGP HEADHUNTERS, trazendo ao Grupo Unicad todo o know-how destes profissionais.



Considering the affinity between Security and Safety, the support was increasingly approaching issues related to prevention.

In partnership with technicians specialized in Prevention and Fire Fighting, USAFETY is created. Therefore, GRUPO UNICAD starts to offer increasingly solutions to the Corporate Security area. USAFETY. Assim, o Grupo Unicad passa a oferecer soluções cada vez mais completas à área de Segurança Corporativa.


Alerta de Risco – Collaborative APP to report and view alerts

In addition to viewing occurrences within a radius of distance that the user can configure, it is possible to report everything that has been seen about threats that serve the prevention of others.


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